(Mar 2021) Open Data Watch launches the Annual Report of the 2020/21 Open Data Inventory (ODIN) that assesses the coverage and openness of official statistics in 187 countries. ODIN monitors the progress of open data that are relevant to economic, social, and environmental development.
On the findings, the median ODIN country score for 2020 is 48.8, meaning that fewer than half the countries satisfy more than 49 percent of the ODIN criteria for data coverage and openness across all data categories. Yet, this is an increase of 7 points compared to the last ODIN assessment in 2018. The global median scores for coverage and openness in 2020 are 48.2 and 51.8, respectively.
The following sections dive deeper into these scores:
- Progress since 2016: This section looks at trends in ODIN between 2016 and 2020.
- Regional focus: This section highlights scores at the regional level, top performing countries in each region, and the differences in each region’s open data priorities.
- Country stories: This section offers stories about eight countries who made great progress in open data and how they did it.
- Income focus: This section shows an analysis of ODIN scores by countries’ income groups and where lower income groups struggle most.
- Sectoral focus: This section presents an analysis of scores by sector with a special emphasis on health data and COVID-19 data reporting, and economic statistics.
- ODIN-Gender Data Index: This section shows the results of an ODIN subindex created to focus on data relevant to the well-being of women and girls.
Here is the executive summary, or read the full report available here.