(28 September 2016) Libraries have always been about preserving and giving access to information. In recent years, governments and others have made increasingly frequent statements stressing the contribution that allowing citizens to obtain and make use of knowledge on an equitable basis can make to a range of policy objectives.
Perhaps the most important is the UN 2030 Agenda, which calls for all countries to ‘ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms’. While libraries contribute to achieving all of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in this area they have a unique and indispensable role.
The first International Day for the Universal Access to Information provides a perfect opportunity to let everyone know about this work, and the benefits brought by well supported libraries.
Libraries in turn are always ready to work with partners who share the same objectives and can contribute to achieving them. To this end, IFLA and the International Publishers Association have released a joint statement.
Read the statement.
This document emphasises the need to deliver of the SDGs, give access to marginalised groups, resist pressure for censorship from state and non-state actors, ensure that libraries are adequately supported, and promote literacy and eLending.
With this list of areas for action, libraries and publishers have a plan for where they can work together to bring about progress on access to information in time for the second International Day in 2017.
See the IFLA/IPA Press Release
This announcement is here.