(4 December 2014, Philadelphia) The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters, is collaborating with Times Higher Education to power the latter’s BRICS and Emerging Economies Rankings. Thomson Reuters InCitesTM data, the world’s leading research evaluation platform and home to Global Institutional Profiles, is the benchmarking engine behind this Times Higher Education ranking. Thomson Reuters also continues to power several other Times Higher Education rankings, as well as working with other ranking providers.
For more than a decade, Thomson Reuters has supported Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s esteemed Academic Ranking of World Universities. Earlier this year, Thomson Reuters announced its collaboration with U.S. News & World Report to power that organization’s Best Global University Rankings. Thomson Reuters also works with Russia’s Round University Research Group to provide content and first level analysis for its Round University Ranking (RUR); URAP for the Middle East Technical University in Turkey; CWTS for its Leiden Ranking; U-Multirank for its European Commission Funded Consortia; and, with the National Taiwan University Rankings. Thomson Reuters also collaborates with many evaluation and policy groups around the globe, such as Japan’s National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP) to determine the impact of the nation’s scientific and technological efforts.
The detailed press release is here.