(17 Jun 2024) AskAdis is a new cutting-edge conversational chat interface developed by Springer Nature for the pharmaceutical drug development market using its AdisInsight , a market-leading drug development intelligence database with over half a million users annually.
Off-the-shelf LLMs (large language models) are often inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable as they draw on all the content on which they have been trained to generate answers. Using Generative AI, AskAdis has been trained on only relevant already validated content, information and data making results more accurate and reliable.
It has a natural language conversational chat interface which allows users to ask specific questions. This means users can refine the exact scope of information they are looking for in the shortest possible time – an essential feature for the pharma industry where information can rapidly change, is highly complex and can impact human life.
The press release in full is here.