(18 November 2015) Using scans from the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center archive, a new project in Chengdu, China, the Ragya Grant Kanjur Republication Initiative (RGKRI), is printing 1,000 copies of the Ragya Kanjur and distributing them to monasteries across Tibetan cultural areas of China.
In collaboration with monks from Ragya Monastery in eastern Tibet, TBRC digitized the Ragya Kanjur during an intense three week scanning project in December of last year. Following the discovery of the Kanjur, monks from Ragya Monastery worked with the TBRC team around the clock for eighteen days to scan this unique canonical collection consisting of 104-volumes, totaling 66,156 pages. The work is now online at http://www.tbrc.org/#%21rid=W2PD17098.
Read the story in full here.