(23 November 2016) China’s Supreme People’s Court officially launched its digital library on 22 November in an effort to improve judicial transparency. The digital library serves as the country’s biggest online platform for juristic writings and records, offering public access to case information.
The digital library is divided into six sections, while eight databases and 15 special columns have been set up to offer more specialized legal resources, according to an announcement on the official website of the Supreme People’s Court.
“The library has a large collection of famous legal cases from Chinese history. Users can search for original records in classical Chinese. With the help of translation and supplementary materials provided by the library, they can get a better understanding of our country’s legal history,” said Huang Wenjun, chief director of People’s Publishing House, in an interview with Thepaper.cn.
The People’s Daily Online has the story in full.
The Supreme Court’s website also has details of the digital library.