(14 Jun 2022) This search is conceptualized by the National Library of the Philippines (NLP) and ASEAN Public Libraries Information Network (APLiN) with the following objectives:
– To encourage public libraries in the ASEAN Region to continue their exemplary contributions to their community;
– To recognize public librarians or individuals who have gone above and beyond their work in the community through their dedication, commitment, and hard work as a manifestation of their outstanding public service contributions; and,
– To create stronger partnerships between national libraries, APLiN, and other stakeholders for the development of the public libraries in the ASEAN Region.
All nominations/submissions should be submitted via Google Form at https://tinyurl.com/aseanPL on or before July 15, 2022.
Winners will receive the following prizes.
1st Prize—Php 30,000.00, Trophy, NLP medal & a plaque of appreciation
2nd Prize—Plaque of Recognition & NLP medal
3rd Prize—Plaque of Recognition & NLP medal
For further inquiries, call / e-mail:
Co-Chairperson, Awards & Recognition, 2nd ASEAN VRCPL
Tel. No.: +63253105035 local 133