(12 March 2014) The second regional convening as part of IFLA’s expanded Building Strong Library Associations programme was held 4-7 March in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Reflecting the objectives and priorities in the region, the Asia and Oceania convening focused on skills for the future of the library profession, and educational standards. Many associations in the region offer professional development courses and are in some cases the only source of basic or continuing training for library staff in their country. Emerging developments, such as the formation of the ASEAN economic community by 2015 will have a major impact on libraries, as workforce mobility will take a central role.
Beyond education and training, the convening introduced workshops on building partnerships, the role of libraries in society, planning, and advocacy.
The convening was hosted by IFLA and the Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (National Library of Indonesia). For more information about the BSLA programme, visit the IFLA website.
To read the complete illustrated announcement click here.