(31 Aug 2021) The ORCID DE Monitor is a publicly funded tool that analyzes the use of ORCID iDs in the scientific community. Developed by the ORCID DE research project, the ORCID DE Monitor both measures and contributes to ORCID adoption.
The ORCID DE Monitor currently provides a cartographic representation of the occurrence of ORCID iDs in repositories, in Crossref metadata, and at BASE data providers (such as open access publication services and Crossref members) for different timelines and in a country comparison.
In addition, users can view statistics on the number of publications that are linked to their authors via the BASE and DNB claiming services, the number of GND records containing an ORCID iD, the number of ORCID records in different countries since 2016, and the development of the German ORCID consortium initiated by the ORCID DE Monitor project.
For more information and to access the tool, see the original announcement here.