(2 November 2016) In June 2016, the Academic Libraries 4 conference, held in Hong Kong, focussed on a theme of sustainability. The conference program held a wide range of presentations on the theme of sustainability, from green initiatives to web archiving, to how to ensure traditional reference and enquiry services can be scaleable and sustainable.
While the conference was aimed at academic libraries, there are plenty of examples of topics and issues that could be considered cross sector. Highlights from the program include:
- The Changing Landscape of Research Library Collections , University of California, Irvine
- Redefining enquiry services at the University of South Australia
- Sustaining a library digitisation program, University of Wollongong, Australia
- Green strategies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong libraries
There are many more presentations available from the conference website and an overview of the themes is also available from the program coordinators to help you explore the conference program further.
International Librarians Network has the details.