(11 Dec 2024) Today marks the official release of AGORA (AI GOvernance and Regulatory Archive), ETO’s latest tool. Previously in beta, AGORA is a living collection of AI-relevant laws, regulations, standards, and other governance documents from the United States and around the world. Plain-English summaries, thematic tags, and a variety of filters help you quickly discover and analyze key developments in AI governance.
AGORA is built on an open-access dataset with full text and original metadata for every document. Our team of analysts continually compiles, screens, and annotates the latest from U.S. and official sources, using a well-documented methodology to build a systematic and transparent collection of AI law and policy. At this initial stage, AGORA has deepest coverage of U.S. federal laws, but the collection also includes hundreds of documents from state and local governments, executive agencies, international and multinational organizations, and other countries, with a particular focus on China.
More details can be found from ETO website here.