(18 August 2015) –– Kudos which helps maximize the reach and impact of research publications, has announced the latest organizations with which it is partnering to enhance the services it offers to researchers. These include:
TrendMD, the content recommendation engine for scholarly publishers. Publication pages on the Kudos website now include “You might also like…” links to related material within and beyond the Kudos network. Recommendations are based on “collaborative filtering” which reflects similarities between documents, and clicks at audience and user level. Publishers and researchers can also promote publications through “affiliate links”, similar to those that display at the top of Google search rankings. “TrendMD is revolutionizing the way that scholarly knowledge is disseminated. Partnering with a fellow innovator such as Kudos helps both our organizations reach new audiences,” says Paul Kudlow, Co-Founder and CEO of TrendMD. The company’s referrals have already increased traffic on recommended Kudos pages by 10%, with Kudlow noting relatively high levels of engagement (low bounce rate and high time spent on page) among visitors referred by TrendMD to Kudos, reflecting the “added value” of Kudos for readers.
Research Media, which provides editorial, design and outreach services to the research community. We are piloting a service which will enable Kudos’ publisher partners to sponsor creation of professional verbal and visual summaries for selected publications, for example to support non-native English speakers who may feel less confident about explaining their work in less formal language, or to acknowledge the success or loyalty of authors whose publications are attracting attention. “Kudos is a ‘plain language’ platform where broad audiences, who struggle to understand formal research communications, can keep up with scholarly and scientific advances. It’s a natural home for Research Media’s lay summaries and infographics, which are similarly aimed at broadening the audience for research,” explains Vicky Williams, CEO of Research Media.
Altmetric, which tracks and analyzes online activity around scholarly literature. The renewal of this agreement will broaden the visibility of Altmetric data within Kudos, enabling high-level summaries of a publication’s altmetric performance to be displayed to Kudos’ publisher and institutional partners, as well as to researchers. Users can then link through to view additional details on Altmetric.com; everyone will see a limited sample of the relevant mentions, and those that have a subscription can view and manipulate the full data set. David Sommer, Product Director and Co-Founder of Kudos, explains how the two services dovetail: “Kudos centralizes and surfaces the activities that authors undertake to communicate about their work, and maps these to a range of publication performance indicators to help researchers, institutions and publishers learn what kinds of communication are most effective. Altmetric provides users with further insight into the online dissemination and engagement surrounding research, and provides the detailed data and sophisticated analysis that enables researchers, institutions and publishers to identify the potential broader impact that Kudos helps research to achieve.”
Read the full announcement here.