Mr. Noritada Otaki, Librarian, National Diet Library, Japan has outlined four priority issues for the NDL in 2014. First, to support legislative activities the NDL will provide prompt and reliable information on various national-policy targets in response to requests from Diet members
Second will be the official launch in January 2014 of transmission services to libraries in Japan of out-of-print digitized items. Currently the library provides about 1.31 million of the 1.8 million volumes of materials digitized by the NDL, including books, periodicals, and doctoral dissertations, only within the NDL premises. This new service will allow users in Japan to browse and copy these materials at libraries authorized by the NDL.
Third, the NDL will continue to acquire free and non-DRM (Digital Rights Management System) publications released on the internet by the private sector.
Finally will be continued development of the NDL Great East Japan Earthquake Archive HINAGIKU, released in March last year.
Read the complete announcement here.