(Seattle, WA, 7 March 2013) – Serials Solutions®, a ProQuest® business, announced today the Summon® discovery service now includes content from more than 100 abstract and indexing (A&I) databases – including nearly 90 ProQuest databases. Unlike other discovery services, A&I content in the Summon service is leveraged through a unique match and merge technology that combines different types of data and information from multiple sources creating a single record optimized for discovery. For mutual subscribers, this unique approach exposes A&I resources to more users, directs researchers to full text when available, and maximizes the value and usage of A&I content for libraries.
A&I content indexed in the Summon includes databases such as the MLA International Bibliography, Thomson Reuters Web of Science(SM), HAPI (Hispanic American Periodicals Index), SveMed+ and L’Annee philologique. Recently indexed in the Summon service, including more than 20 formal thesauri curated by expert editors, and more than 100 different controlled vocabularies. The A&I titles from ProQuest are listed here: http://www.serialssolutions.com/en/press_room/detail/more-than-100-ai-databases-now-indexed-in-the-serials-solutions-summon-serv.