(13 July 2016) The IGI Global article Perceptions and Viability of Launching LIS E-Learning Programs in Developing Countries: A Vietnam Case Study explores the factors influencing readiness to launch e-learning of a Library and Information Science (LIS) program in a developing country, with a focus on understanding attitudes toward e-learning and the viability of transitioning to an online delivery model in Vietnam. A technology infrastructure assessment was performed to understand whether changes were needed at Vietnam National University to support e-learning, and 5 key informant interviews and 4 focus group sessions with 39 participants were performed with faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, members of the professional community, and administrators to understand their usage of technology and their perceptions and attitudes toward e-learning. Study findings suggest the importance of understanding the cultural context and the need for further e-learning research, as well as the steps needed for e-learning readiness and integration.
This research is featured in the title International Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4 Volumes), a premier reference source that presents the latest research innovations focusing on cross-cultural communications and training, international relations, multinational enterprises, outsourcing, international business strategies, and competitive advantage in the global marketplace. This publication is an exhaustive multi-volume work essential to academic and corporate libraries who serve researchers, scholars, business executives and professionals, and graduate-level business students.