(Apr 2020) From National Diet Library Newsletter April 2020:
A hackathon entitled GLAM: Making Good Use of Data Created by Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums was held at the Tokyo Main Library of the National Diet Library (NDL) on September 14 and 15, 2019.
Japan Search is a portal site that was developed by the NDL for aggregating metadata from the databases of galleries, libraries, archives, and museums—collectively referred to as “GLAM data.” Japan Search provides users with access to both an integrated search interface and an application programming interface. To celebrate the release of the Japan Search beta version, a hackathon was held with the aim of deepening cooperation between the NDL and programmers by exploring new ways to utilize GLAM data that is openly available via Japan Search and other NDL services.
The twenty-two GLAM hackathon participants included people engaged in business, academic research, public education, and engineering, as well as two NDL employees. They were assisted in their efforts by five coordinators from universities or organizations involved with open data.
The participants were divided into teams and worked for two consecutive days to formulate their ideas and then create apps and online tools that utilize GLAM data effectively through APIs that accessed Japan Search as well as other NDL web services, including the NDL Search, the Web NDL Authorities, the NDL Great East Japan Earthquake Archive (HINAGIKU), the NDL Digital Collections, and the Full-text Database System for the Minutes of the Diet.
Participants from diverse backgrounds enjoyed collaborating in the creation of innovative apps and online tools that utilize GLAM data. Overviews of their works are published on the NDL website (in Japanese). The NDL appreciates very much the effort of all of the participants who contributed to this fun-filled creative event.
The news is here.