(24 March 2015) The 6th International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World will take place in Guangzhou, China from 25-27 November 2015. It is organized by the Department of Information Management of Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey, and the School of Information Management of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China.
“Information Management in the Big Data Era: For a Better World” being the main theme of the Symposium, IMCW2015 aims to bring together information professionals, data librarians, archivists computer and information scientists, business people and engineers to discuss the implications of Big Data on information management and to contemplate on establishing a sound data infrastructure and finding innovative ways to mine, process, organize and provide access to large amounts of data. As organizers, we thought this is an opportune time for IMCW2015 to review the challenges for information organizations, libraries, archives and museums providing data and information services in the digital age.
Visit the conference website here.