(18 Dec 2024) In recognition of the Library Publishing Directory’s 10 year anniversary, we took this opportunity to look back at the first Directory from 2014 and to highlight some of the trends and developments we identified in the data from 2014 to 2024.
In this year’s edition of the Directory, we received responses from 179 publishers in 18 countries, and 167 long-form responses are featured in the Directory. The number of respondents has grown gradually since the first Library Publishing Directory in 2014, when 116 library publishers completed the survey. We also see a much higher number in the unique institutions that have participated in the last decade: in the Directory‘s lifetime 383 library programs have responded to the call for entries. Most respondents (92%) represent academic libraries, which is consistent with previous years. Of the remaining respondents, 5% identified their institution type as consortia, 1% as member organizations, and 2% as other.
The survey itself has grown and changed over the years, beginning with just two main sections, Overview and Publishing Activities, in 2014. By 2024 it has grown to include sections on each publishing program’s organization and oversight, partnerships, technologies and services, program highlights, and most recently, policies.
The information we wanted as a community in the first half of the Directory’s life focused on what services to offer, what technologies balance functionality and sustainability, and the quantity of resources, human or otherwise, to dedicate to these efforts. More recently, the community is asking questions about managing existing services, formalizing policies, working in collaboration within and outside of our institutions, and sustaining the people that make all this happen.
In comparing the 2014 and 2024 survey results, we identified a number of positive trends in terms of staffing, technology use, geographic diversity, and publishing program expansion and stability. These positive trends are highlighted here and explained in more detail in the relevant sections below:
- The Directory has become much more geographically diverse, with publishers from 18 countries contributing in 2024 compared to 5 countries in 2014.
- The median age of respondents’ programs has increased 100% from 7 years to 14 years, even as dozens of newly established programs have contributed to the Directory. For example, 53 of the 2024 respondents’ programs did not yet exist when the first Directory was published.
- In 2014, 61% of respondents were using a proprietary platform for at least one of their publishing initiatives. In 2024, however, less than half (47%) of respondents were using a proprietary platform.
- Staffing at library publishers has increased 33% from a median of 1.5 FTE in 2014 to 2 FTE in 2024.
- A typical library publisher added one service between 2014 and 2024, with a median of 10 services offered in 2024 compared to 9 in 2014. The number of possible services identified by the survey increased significantly (29%) over the decade, from 24 to 31.
- Although services increased in multiple areas, the reported provision of traditional library services such as cataloging and metadata decreased by over 10%.
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