(9 June 2016) China’s first ‘Fair Use Week’ took place in Beijing City on 19-20 May 2016 with the theme ‘Copyright issues in information services’. The event was co-organized by the Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (LCAS), EIFL’s partner, and is one of four library-organized events in China in 2016.
Fair use is an example of a flexible copyright exception that is currently stimulating interest among academics and policy-makers around the world.
The two-day event in Beijing was attended by more than 100 librarians, researchers and publishers, as well as the general public, who participated in four public lectures and interactive roundtable forums each day.
EIFL was pleased to provide advice on the programme for China Fair Use Week, which encourages discussion of how copyright law can keep up-to-date with new technologies and new ways of creating and sharing information.
The full account of the meeting is here.