(6 November 2017) CHORUS, a not-for-profit organization committed to making articles reporting on funded research easily and permanently accessible and Elsevier, an information analytics business specializing in science and health, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding setting out how they will work together to further enhance low-cost compliance. options for public access to published research and for institutions to showcase their outputs.
Specifically, the MOU enables CHORUS to use Elsevier’s Scopus database, the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed scientific literature, as one of the key bibliometric databases to help identify, monitor and extract publication metadata on funded research associated with its Institution Dashboard Service.
As a non-profit organization and service CHORUS uses the capabilities of existing research platforms, databases and repositories, to develop an infrastructure – and seamless workflow – which facilitates sustainable public access, sharing, discoverability, reporting, and preservation of publications reporting on funded research.
With access to Scopus data, either through its API or web interface, CHORUS will be able to efficiently and comprehensively identify articles that have been funded by CHORUS partner agencies at specific institutions. This enables CHORUS to provide institutions with a richer view on open access compliance, giving greater power to institutions as they take steps to comply with open or public access mandates. Institutions will also benefit from greater visibility of their research, as CHORUS will provide a link-back to article records on the publisher site as well as Scopus, for additional article metadata review such as cited-by counts.
CHORUS is creating a future where the output flowing from funded research is easily and permanently discoverable, accessible and verifiable by anyone in the world. By providing the necessary metadata infrastructure and governance to enable a smooth, low-friction interface between funders, authors, institutions and publishers in a distributed network environment, CHORUS can minimize public access compliance burdens while increasing access to literature and data in support of funder mandates worldwide.
The announcement is here.