Asia and Oceania Convening: Jakarta, Indonesia, 4-7 March 2014
IFLA’s successful Building Strong Library Associations (BSLA) programme will be expanded through a series of convenings and projects at the regional level in Africa, Asia and Oceania, and Latin America and the Caribbean from 2014.
(27 November 2013) The National Library of Indonesia will host the Asia and Oceania convening from 4-7 March 2014 in Jakarta, Indonesia. IFLA invites library associations in the Asia and Oceania region to apply to participate in the convening.
The convening will include workshops, practical activities and project planning. Materials will be delivered from the BSLA programme, as well as IFLA’s advocacy initiatives. The convening will be a very interactive meeting involving presentations, group work, discussions, and practical activities to take back to national associations to implement at the national or regional level. The meeting language will be English.
During the convening, associations will identify their own needs for further activities and development, identify needs in the region, and form action plans for implementation. Participants will assess their association’s and the region’s priorities and understand opportunities for follow-up activities and project funding.
Participating associations will play different roles during the convening – sharing experiences and strategies with others, and benefiting from an opportunity to learn from other associations in their region. Up to 10 associations will be selected to participate in the convening. At least two people will be selected from each association.
Read more here.