(28 January 2016, New York, NY) Artstor, the nonprofit provider of the Artstor Digital Library of images and the Shared Shelf platform for cataloguing and digital asset management, will now operate under the umbrella of its fellow nonprofit ITHAKA, the organization that currently operates three other services: JSTOR, Portico and Ithaka S+R.
Artstor, ITHAKA and JSTOR were all created as mission-driven nonprofit organizations with the initial support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and with similar aims. This strategic alignment is a natural fit.
Artstor and JSTOR both work with libraries and museums, content partners and researchers to build and preserve shared academic resources. Now, with Artstor and JSTOR both under the umbrella of ITHAKA, a recognized leader in advancing technologies that strengthen the work of educational institutions while lowering their costs, the two will be better able to collaborate in developing new tools and sharing resources.
Under the new alliance, Artstor will retain its identity as a 501(c)(3) organization, with management and financial responsibility assumed by ITHAKA. Artstor’s extensive network of relationships and terms will remain in place, and its existing products and services will continue to be made available for current and new subscribers.
More details are in the press release.