(9 Dec 2019) The presentation introduces both intentional and unintentional plagiarism, how to detect it and various ways of avoiding plagiarism. Knowledge about plagiarism, its consequences, its detection and avoidance are very important ensuring quality research writings. It is also important for libraries and librarians to understand how they can play a key role in enhancing the research output of an institution and how they can engage with the researchers in the role of a teacher-librarian
The key highlights of the presentation are as follows:
- Understand what constitutes the plagiarism
- Types of plagiarism and its detection using various Plagiarism detection Tools
- Use of Reference Management tools such as Mendeley, Endnote and Zotero
- Various open access Electronic Thesis and Dissertation initiatives
- How Librarians can play a significant role in creating awareness about plagiarism, its detection and avoidance
- Examples of National Plagiarism Regulations – India
Presenter: Professor Ramesh C. Gaur, Dean and Director (Lib & Inf.), Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA)
Date and Time: 12 December 2019, 14.30 (Indian Standard Time)
The news is here.