(17 January 2017) The latest issue of the SEALG Newsletter has been published recently and can now be downloaded from the group’s homepage at http://www.sealg.org/pdf/newsletter2016.pdf
Contents of the newsletter include:
–SEALG Annual Meeting 2016, Copenhagen (report by Doris Jedamski and Holger Warnk)
–Early newspapers in Burma (article by San San May)
–Vietnamese manuscripts at the British Library (paper presented at the annual meeting by Sud Chonchirdsin)
–The mystery of the ‘naughty monks’ in Thai manuscript illustrations of Phra Malai (article byJana Igunma)
–Call for Papers: EUROSEAS Conference, Oxford 2017
Older issues of the newsletter can be downloaded freely from the homepage http://www.sealg.org/.
The announcement in full is here.