(30 Aug 2022) 2022 school year is shaping up to be a very interesting one when it comes to plagiarism and other issues of academic integrity. For many, it will be the first “normal” year since the start of the pandemic in 2020. However, that pandemic brought with it a spike in academic integrity issues. That spike has resulted in pushback from both instructors and schools as they seek to combat the issue.
In short, the landscape of academic plagiarism is changing and students are caught in the middle of those shifts. New technologies and approaches are being introduced to combat plagiarism, some of which may be unfamiliar to students, and the landscape of plagiarism looks very different from what it did just a few years ago.
To that end, here are five things that students need to know about academic plagiarism for the 2022 school year to avoid running into any issues in this space.
Read more from Plagiarism Today here.